Wow. So long din update edi. :D
So lazy to move.. dats why.
Its already half of the holiday and there is nth special.
except one.
On 26/11/2010
went jusco wif frens.
guess who is there?
Agatha. she came bak edi.
I brought her there actually. :D
Went there watch movie.
Rapunzel. haihz. Actually gonna watch wif family. :D
Ok nth special edi.
Today. just keep on watching tv and sms somebody.. :DD
soo soo soo soo bored.
and i keep on think when i din on9,
Agatha they all like left out me. ):
so bad rite?
Eventhough i din on oso cnt like dat 1 mah.
Sad dou. :( :( :(
But nvm. got qing and yuan here. :DD
Haihz. i wanna go out. but mama say cnt lo. ):
WHY!? == so darn bored le.