Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye 2010, hello 2011 (:

I miss the times we had during 2010.
Time passes fast..
Few more hours its already a brand new year.
I'm gonna miss those time we had fun together,
and do bad things together. LOL
And alot of things more.
I wish 2011 is gonna be a better year for me.
Really gonna miss those frens who are different classes. ):
Wish we will still be best frens even though we are apart.
Ok that's all.
Happy New Year's Eve. (:

Grandma's Birthday

Grandma's Birthday. (:
Banyak relatives oh. xD
And also alot of food to eat. muahahaha
I'm a pig. 0(oo)0 LOL. Learn from ppl de.
Ok nth else to post.. pictures next time oni post.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Went Leisure.

Hehe.. Went leisure with family..
Actually not all.. Sad.
Went there to buy a new bag for me and sis,
and also to take my contact lens. xD
My bag, so darn ♥ it.
So happy. Thank you mummy.
Later ate ice-cream. muahahaha. xDD
And saw alot of unknown indians..O.O
Mummy say they are orphanage..
After that, went kopitiam in Mahkota. (:
Went back home after eating.


Acting emo. xD

My Lovely mummy and my little sis and bro. (:

So nice la they decorate until. Good Job!

My Bro~ Yeng! xD

Haha.. My sista.

Aww~ Aren't they cute.? xDD

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas is over.


Is christmas eve~ Hohoho is coming~
Ok.. nth special in the morning actually.
At night we were so high,in fb.. sadness still~!
Er. me and gor aka kah wai, countdown for christmas~
Haha. its already late. And my frens din even on9. TT
maybe went off to celebrate christmas eve..
So we keep on see how many more minutes.
Ahaha. then i post Merry Christmas ngam ngam 12 o'clock. ^^
Then i post Merry Chrsitmas to alot of ppl's wall.
Same to others. they posted on my wall too. x)
Happy still.. get to celebrate in fb wif frens. LOL


Jingle bell Jingle bell~ xD
Excited! cause today gonna go regina's hse celebrate christmas~
Amber,Kah wai,Jian Wen,Marcus,Jia Yi and che liang got go.
Haha have fun there.
Want to take pics but forgot to bring phone. -.- FML
So don't care.. And Regina and Kah Wai have banyak swt time oh!
So jealous them! @@
Then We swam at night!!~ lols. fun.
Keep on push ppl down. LOL
Amber most kelian.~ I keep on push her down.!
Ahahaha. xD
And got family prob on christmas day. -.-
Stupid HER! Make daddy so damn angry.
Haihz. not gonna say here. -.-


Haihz. another bored bored day at home.
Er. whole day watch tv. -.-
Then on9 till now.
Come on! Ladies ~ on9!!
I'm EFFing bored here!
Help me. TT

Friday, December 17, 2010

Went out~ x)

Hey. today went leisure mall.
Hehehe. go make contact lens..
Guess wad.. I can put it in. Wohoo~
Later went to eat McDonalds.. Saw somebody. -_-
And and before that i bought bubble tea. xD
But too bad didn't drink till my beloved Starbucks. TT
Later. ate finish then went back home.
Nothing much to say edi..
Ciao!! x)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Went school, reminds me bout school times. x)

Okay.. today went to school at 11 something..
Went there beli buku.
500+ le.. OMGosh. exp hor?
Too bad cannot 'sen' lo.. Need buy books for knowledge. (:
Actually later want go leisure d..
But one thing happen.. TT
The car cannot start in school..
Then must try few times only can.
Mama say don't want go cause scared got prob like that happen.
So didn't go. Actually excited one. cause going buy lens..
But now.. haihz. suan liao lo.. Tomorrow oni can go buy..
Later come back home.. Whole day play computer.
Ahahaha CityVille. xD
Never play untill sien de...
Then at night go Jusco.
Wish can drink My Beloved Starbucks.!
But sure tak boleh.. cause bad for body. -__-
And and.. there are still 9 more days till christmas!
Wohoo~ excited (:
That's all HumanS! xD

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This is what happen the past few days. :D


Have BBQ party at my house. X)
Jeannie,Nian,Qing,Yuan,Regina,Agatha,Dex,Jia Xing and kah wai came..
Reg come the most early.
Later Yuan.. den jia xing.. 
Den..kah wai and dex.. den i think is qing..
Den Jeannie and Nian.. Oni Agatha. :DD
We played water but too bad agatha came late..
Den my bro almost drown!!
I RESCUE him!! I'm the hero!! :DD
Den bath.. only BBQ.. didn't eat much..
And most of the food that dexter 'kao' all drop.. hahahaha
After BBQ my bro turn to use the pool..
They ply more fun lo.. TT
Den at night.. dis is de most sorry part..
I'm so bad.. shouldn't go actually...
Leave them behind.
Oh My Gosh. I feel so wrong!! 
Actually i went to Yuan house overnight...
Cuz next day she's gonna bring me to Mid Valley..
The reason i wanna go is to see Agatha there...
But at last didn't see till her.. TT
Later Yuan's bro fetch me home.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

No mood.

Today woke up late..
11 something actually...
Den.. after eating breakfast.. 
Find phone in Internet!! :DD
Ltr... help mami clean the lights outside..
This is the disgusting part.. 
So many dead insects sticking on the lights. >.<
So ewwww! I have to clean it some more. ==
Ltr.. watch tv.. only go bath..
Am i dirty?? (:
Bath finish then only eat dinner.
Eating dinner that time... I sms QL.
Say wan change time. then only know that CW and JW not coming.==
If like that then maybe all the boys not coming already lo.. 
Haihz.. two more days till the party..
Then say cannot come.. ==
Suan liao ba. Wad a disaster. 
I shouldn't make this party at first.  Haihz...
Then eat finish dinner.. Ply computer..
This is how my life is going today.
Very bad day. Haihz... Haihz...
Don't know others  still want to come a not... 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5/12/10.. went Malacca for wedding dinner.

Went to Malacca for my cousin's wedding.
Went there like 2 sumthing.
half way there ate KFC at the "jejantas".
So cool (not) actually is just normal..
Den 5 sumthing eat finish, continue journey..
Reach Malacca like 6 sumthing..
All cousin's there.. but 1 family went back edi..
About few minutes ltr,
went to the restaurant where they 'pai jiu' there.
quite big there.. Actually is a club house like dat..
Eat till stomach pain.. O.O
To much gas.. Make till i wan vomit.
Den 10 sumthing oni go home.

Dis are the pics. Enjoy~ :D

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Went Gina's hse. :D

Today went Gina's hse..
Qing fetch me go d.
And actually i cnt go cuz no transaport and mami dun let..
Den veli early in the morning.
Qing lenn called me.
still sleeping actually.
scared me, she suddenly say fetch me go.
When i wan go out..
My mama ask me go where.
I say go reg hse and qing fetch.
O: she so angry. But she outside edi..
so have to go luu.~
At last can goo.~ thx to qing lenn's dad.
haha. not to you qing. :P
Reach Gina's hse. so early in the morning.
Her parents go work. so we alone at home.
We went to her bro room. ply com.:D
watch video.. and on9..
after few hrs. den order Domino"s" to eat.
So delicious. :DD
I cnt believe i like it now. :O
Ltr watch tv since no DVD watch.

Watch Twilight investigation.

den rain. TT 
so we go bak use com ..
Oh yea.. reg show us funny video..
Nigahiga. haha so damn funny. :DD
And i am addicted To ShiNEE!
Because of qing. thx alot. :O
Ltr bout 4 sumthing qing's dad bring me home. :D
At home bored dao seii.
dat's why i like goin to fren's hse so much.
So won bored mah. I'm Lovin it . :D