Thursday, June 2, 2011

So rajin?

All my friends cannot go out, study wor..
Even my mama ask me go out.. lol
Aiya, watever.. I starting to think i more not care bout studies?
Haihz, i wish not. Okay, later my baby chatime is coming home! :B
Ppl say poison? Really?? Really? Is that really true? )':
Haihz, i heard that is rumors.
But once a month would not hurt right? D:
Okay, nothing more to say! buh-bye. (:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was Early today!

Today woke up early! O:
7 something i guess.. Because of the noise made by my sister.
Yea, i sleep with her. (:
And was thinking to wake up early AGAIN tomorrow.
I want to accompany my mummy to school..
My sister have school, so have to bring her there.
Am i a good daughter? TEHHE
So woke up, went out to watch tv, nothing to watch! -.-
So its ok, watch cartoons.
After that online after breakfast.
As usual, boring too.
But this time i played online games. :D
Kinda made my day.
So keep playing until 2 something.
Isn't too long? So i have to take a rest.
Watch tv, haha. Actually is the same. O:
So watch tv. Suddenly YT called, say she is coming to take her file back.
Haha, was kinda of glad to see my friends FOR AWHILE during the holidays. (:
Ok, after that bath.
After bath, tv again.
After tv, dinner.
End of day! (: