Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brand New Year ♥

Happy New Year Everyone , especially my loved once (:
Celebrated New Year's Eve in FullHouse @ Giant .
Just have dinner only (:
But still nice having it with family ! ♥
The FullHouse food , i don't like it very much .. D:
Don't know why ppl like it so much ? haha
Everyne has different taste ..
I just like their design !
That is what attracted customers into their restaurant , obviously xD
So my wish for this whole year were :
1) A good year for me and ofc everyone .
2) I will also wish that my PMR will get all A's :D
And not too much stress this year .
3) Erm ..... World peace ? hehe :D
And everything save !
Okay la , have to sleep now ..
It's already 3 !!! So Buh - bye !

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Went to Jusco today with my mama .
Ate McDonalds as usual . HEHE :B
Later went Popular buy e=pop magazines ..
Bought wrong .. -.-
Later bought the right one , but no 2pm poster !!
So i don't care anymore ..
Will ask ppl give me .. HAHA

Monday, November 21, 2011

Shool Holidays has started !

It actually started one week ago . :D
And my tuition ended today ! :DD
And I want to go out ..
Why everytime say not going already ? D:
Hate it la ..
This is the last year of relaxing and i can't relax ..
Next year got PMR .. Sigh .. ):
Nvm .. I , improved alot in my studies !
muahahaha damn happy ... 9 A's out of 12 . :D
So i'mma gonna study even more hard for next year ..
Wish me good luck ! (:
So , holidays still got soooooooo long ...
Don't know what to do la ..
Really want to go out .. Out of the house .
So , want to go where please tell me ........ friends ! TQ (:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Not in school

Didn't went school today ..
So , stayed at home !
What would i do at home ?
Stalk KOREANS ! haha just joking
BUT i really LOVE their song as in almost all the koreans .. (:
Like Ft Island , 2AM , B2ST , G.NA and others !
But especially 2PM ofcourse . :DD
Okay gonna stop saying bout koreans now ..
So , home life .. Watch tv everyday ..
Oh my , it's been one week i think ..
Btw , k-pop HITz now ! :D

K-pop ! WOHOO :D

After exam this is what i've been doing !
Stalking k-pop stars !!
I am now starting to LOVE koreans !!
Addicted to all hot guys and all their shows !
The K-pop group that i LOVE and been stalking is ....
Guess who ? 2pm !! ARGH !! :DD
So crazy about them , especially CHAN SUNG !
So love and addicted to him !! <33
Wanna stalk him in twitter but too bad he doesn't have one ):
Why doesn't he have one ?!
Everyone in his group has one !! Sad la ! ):
And btw they're coming to Malaysia !! ARGH !! haha
25th Nov ! Too bad i can't go .. So heartbroke !
So envy the ones who can go ! ):
But there's always a next time !!!!!! (': There will be !

It's been so long !

HEHE , oh my .. It's been so long !
My blog is dead .. Actually is tooooo dead .. D:
I don't even know whether i want this blog anot ..
I said that a few times already haven't i ? LOL
I don't know la .. let's see later ..
It's already after exam and almost end of school ..
Two more weeks !
But after that don't know what i wanna do ..
Can't always go out ..
So , stay at home , watch tv do the usual things .
But i have to worry now for PMR .. @.@
Next year , the year of stressfulness .. Sigh .. D:
Here i come .. Actually i am coming .

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Change is hard

We can't simply change a human ..
Like i said is hard .
But i really want her old her ..
Not the "now" her ..
Nope , actually i don't wan her .
I don't want to be close to her ..
She is making my life miserable , honestly ..
In my mind saying , 3 more yrs . Just wait .
Don't say i mean , she just treat me , only me differently .
Don't know why .. She said she don't like me as in my attitude .
But i think she HATES me . I can feel .
I wish she can feel how i feel too . (:
And she haven't ans my question .
What did i do to make her don't like me that much
and making her to keep on say my bad things to our friend ?
I really want to know so that i can change or maybe not . :P
And do you realize I've been repeating bout this topic for a few times ?
This means my heart really hates her , not don't like her ..
Now i know the ans to myself .
I'm feeling evil now . >:D

Furniture Fair .

Furniture fair in KLCC .
Went with family ..
Nothing much there actually ...
Just Furnitures ..
Took lots of catalog too . haha
That is fun actually . xD
Later ate dinner , then suddenly black out in the other streets ..
Lucky us .. Our street no black out ..
Actually we're in a shop lot at Mahkota Cheras .
Later went back home ..
Chat with family , Laughed alot too .
We're mad !! xD
Laughing at "ppl" dancing with trees .
You know what i mean .. haha
Ok end of my day ! (:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dead Dead Dead .

My blog is dead .
Don't feel like blogging already ..
But all my memories of the past is in this blog ..
Should i delete it all ?
Wanna make it a clean new blog so will look more fresher . :)
Aiya , see first .. @@

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So rajin?

All my friends cannot go out, study wor..
Even my mama ask me go out.. lol
Aiya, watever.. I starting to think i more not care bout studies?
Haihz, i wish not. Okay, later my baby chatime is coming home! :B
Ppl say poison? Really?? Really? Is that really true? )':
Haihz, i heard that is rumors.
But once a month would not hurt right? D:
Okay, nothing more to say! buh-bye. (:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was Early today!

Today woke up early! O:
7 something i guess.. Because of the noise made by my sister.
Yea, i sleep with her. (:
And was thinking to wake up early AGAIN tomorrow.
I want to accompany my mummy to school..
My sister have school, so have to bring her there.
Am i a good daughter? TEHHE
So woke up, went out to watch tv, nothing to watch! -.-
So its ok, watch cartoons.
After that online after breakfast.
As usual, boring too.
But this time i played online games. :D
Kinda made my day.
So keep playing until 2 something.
Isn't too long? So i have to take a rest.
Watch tv, haha. Actually is the same. O:
So watch tv. Suddenly YT called, say she is coming to take her file back.
Haha, was kinda of glad to see my friends FOR AWHILE during the holidays. (:
Ok, after that bath.
After bath, tv again.
After tv, dinner.
End of day! (:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ordinary Day

Aiyo, boring like hell each and everyday. -.-
I really want to find something GOOD to do.
Yesterday i did! I started watching Playful Kiss! :D
Its kinda nice, you know. Korean drama!
But today go watch, cannot find until. -.-
Then didn't watch, now so boring.
Mummy say need to study now.
So have to listen to her. Tata! (:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Unlucky me

So bored, holidays.... Have to Study.
Actaully today going out with yuan teng..
But SO UNLUCKY, i am not feeling well.
I shouldn't have eaten those things yesterday..
If not i can go out and have fun with YT. FML. -.-
I want go out so badly!!
But now have to stay at home and rest while study.
Holiday should have fun !
Nah, Meirda the school.. Why our exam must AFTER holiday.
OH MY GOD, Miserable.. -.-
I haven't buy the things that i want to buy!!
Everything is not going well as i wish it would be.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No study

Today in school very less study. (:
Keep on chat and dunno do what la.
Got lots of HOMEWORKS!
Holiday homeworks.. Why don't let us have a break..? :D
Er, just nothing to say liao..
Buh-bye! (:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School (:

At school, as usual.
Assembly today.. Sien orh..
And it took alot of our P.E time. -.-
But i got play volleyball a little. Not so fun.
Later in class, discuss about the class party..
I'm gonna buy drinks. :D
Others bring their own food..
As well as my birthday is on that date. O:
Not sure whether they're gonna celebrate for me.
But if don't have its ok, I also wanna go out celebrate with them.
If they can go... D:
Okay back to topic..
Actually today wanna MAKE her de.. lol
Feeling sooo childish, but don't want revenge..
She make then make us, maybe she will deserve something even worse.
Er, nothing special la today..
Just YUAN TENG push me to that "guy".
Haha, he is soooo funny.
After yt push me to him, he quicky go check down there. LOL! xD
So weird!!
And today so no mood.
Why all teacher's Bm and Eng.. All give me SOOOO low for my oral..
Because they don't like me or what?
The person in my group, she didn't even say anything.. got a little bit la.
But she get 12 marks wor. I get the lowest in our class. o0o
I really cannot tahan la. some more YT find all the points, she copy and say.
She get the highest mark in our group. WTH? -.-
Aiya, over liao so who cares?
Okay end of day..
Went back home ate M&N. <3
Love it! TATA! :D

Saturday, May 21, 2011


No end of world right? -.-
Woke up 11 something today..
So nice, weekends can sleep so long.
Wish everyday can like that.
After breakfast, watch tv whole day.
Help my dog bath too. (:
Then continue watch tv...
So boring today, wish to go out!!
Okay, end of my day. (:

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hey hey, today so 'sam fu'.
Stomach SOOOOO pain. FTW?
Fourth day.. my mama say is weird..
Haihz, actually dun want go school de..
But have to cause of the presentation..
So go lo, tahan..
In the morning.. my front hair sooooo messy..
Reach school d still haven make properly my hair.
So have to pin up.. OMG, like nerd. :B
haha, no choice. Went up to class, everybody say me. D:
Inside class, woohhoo so cold le. SYOK!
Went down basketball court as usual..
Stomach still very pain.. Me, yuan and qing came on the same day. O:
See them play bball & football. (: kinda funny.
Later went back class, this time cmlee no come down.
STOMACH still pain. -.- cannot than le.
After science, went office with yuan. Too pain le.
Gina and her group for science de also there.
Saw that girl there... Why study there de? weird.
Geo, i present!! So dulan some people.
Why everything also i do?! -.-
Haihz, this is individual okay? Zzzz..
Suan le ba, over liao...
Later BM and lunch, had Fun. xD
After that BC time..
A lot of people say end of the world is tomorrow..
NONSENSE! DON'T curse. -.-
But when studying in the BC room, the sky soooo dark. O:
Kinda scared. And after school we did something stupid.
We keep hug each other then say bye bye. -.-
Meet next generation.. xD CHOI!!
But when reach home le, the sky soooo clear liao. <3
And daddy came back home and brought a lot of our fav chocolates!
Muahahaha, love ya lots dad! <3
All so expensive. T^T
Ok, that is all for today. (:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tomorrow holiday.

Went school today then tomorrow holiday.. :D
Btw, sorry Jeannie can't come to your party!!
Even i want to come, nobody fetch.
I wanna go so badly now...
I don't want go to what Mall tomorrow. ==
Nothing special today, actually.
And i kinda knew, more and more ppl broke up this month.
Sigh, sad for you guys.
Some is because parents find out. WOW.
Good stalkers their parents is. Scary. ==
So, ECA time.. keep on gossip with my Girls. haha
I love gossip. This is what school life's about. xD
And Gina help me tie the hair i wanted to tie for a long time.
Owh, so nice!! They say me more 'si man' looking wor.
Good luu. xD
And after coming back home,
Saw a aligator or monitor lizard behind our house.
My maid.. == no need shout sooo loud de mah. Siao...
scared me orh, thought what bad thing happen.. choi!
Its so big!!! Its tongue so long!! I feel like touching it le. :D
No picture to show.. sorry~ D:
And one thing i wanna do, but don't dare. FTW
coward? haihz. He is human too. Why dun dare? ):
I hate myself sometimes because of this.
Say wanna do, but at last don't dare. ==
Wateva la.. lol
So my birthday is cooominngg~ yay!
I really wan the bag and that hat sooo badly.
Wish my dream come true. D: !!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mad Day. xD

Today went to school..
YT no come, she sick. O:
SO boring in the morning..
ICT, teacher no come, YAY! :P
So techer relief.. Noob RAM, go and annoy me. My god.
So angry him but he is kinda funny. :D
Later lunch the stupid cw, keep say he my boyfriend. -.-
I most DULAN him lo. boyfriend? o0o
He make my life miserable, wanna kill him arh!!
Haihz, he that kind of ppl, piece of shit. -.-
After lunch, stupid RAM..
Keep on make me laugh like mad again. xD
Say all those funny things. haha.
Laugh till my mouth pain pain. :P
Bm time, make me moody..
The teacher PILIH KASIH!!
Let other girls and boys go toilet but not us.
Because we keep on go toilet during her lesson..
We also not purposely de..
Want scold, then scold my bladder la. -.-
Okay, end of post.

Just wanna say one thing,
Can we talk and be friends like you said?
Missing your everything. Sigh.. D:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My life today.

Wake up in the morning then went to school. xD
Reach school already, sleep in class.
That Noob keep on making noise outside..
Can't sleep well. LOL
He talk all nonsense.. try to be funny but ITS NOT FUNNY!
Later went out the class room, all smoke. FTW
Smelly until cannot breathe outside. ==
My mother say not open burning wor.
So who cares. Later YT came liao, went bball court.
Break time, eat rice! :D So hungry that time.
Then after break ART! <3 But that time teacher was angry. D:
But on the way there saw LENG ZAI! Too bad he is short. D:
But that time i think i was obvious. @.@
During art time CC told me something, hurt my feeling.
He say me alot of times liao. ==
T^T Why do you have to spoil my mood.
Haihz, nvm is over liao.
Later went back to class liao, GOSSIP.
Gossip hurt people feeling when you let them hear which is talking bout them.
And please la Ah Moi, don't PILIH KASIH? (:
To boys so good, to girls bad-NYA.

Bad people

Sorry for the late update! ><"

Today, finally she say out.
Her feelings same as mine!
Give me 5!
I also hate her from the beginning edi.
I want to tell her so long ago liao. :P
She hate people then can?
People hate her then cannot?
People hate her, she bu shuang wor..
And I treat her sooooo good. Better than i treat everyone else..
Why do she wanna hate me..?
I heard that because i KAO ZAI wor.
I talk to ZAI, her prob? They are my friends too.
She kau then ok hor?
I didn't even complain that time she talk to boys..
Now she hate me because of that lame reason? ==
I have my own freedom okay?
Understand me first only say me.
And don't ever treat me like your dog! (:

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May has come..? :D

Hey hey hey~ May has come!
Means, my birthday is near. O:
End of april was terrible for me. D:
Not gonna say here. (:
Okay, today woke up early, 7.45a.m.
First time during sundays? haha
Watch TROY early in the morning.
LOL, all killing and ppl dieing. D:
Shouldn't watch in the morning rite??
But the movie is nice so i don't care. :D
Today is also my sister's birthday & she's also celebrating today.
Sure gonna have lots of fun! We'll see about that then. :D
And Happy Birthday Sis! :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Mines.

Went The Mines with Him, Jian Yeap, Leon, Adrian, Zhen Hui,
Phey Faye and Nian Tze. And two other girls.
Had a fun but shy day. ><
They keep saying both of us, not sweet. LOLOL
Like i said SHY.
Actually wanna watch movie but dunno why didn't go d. @.@
So went to play SNOOKER. :D
I scored 2 or 3 BALLS. HOHOHO.
Played d then ate McD ice-cream.
And the STUPID JENG YOU. Seii perv. -,-
Later they went and played Boiling.
Didn't played. So Me and Phey Faye went out to walk.
Quite fun chatting with her.
She is brave, not like me. I nothing to talk with her.
This shows that i am BORING. D:
But nevermind.. We went starbucks. :D
She ordered Chocolate..... i forgot edi...
And i ordered As usual, Greentea large ice blended with whip cream. :D
AND IT SUCKS. So bitter.. ><
First time My favourite drink SUCKS. D:
Drink till half then leave it in the boiling alley.
Later time for me to go home.
They soooo sampat. x) Not going to say it here.
Lol, they ask the thing, we didn't do.
And the stupid JY say want tell my dad.
Hah, at last oso don't dare. :P
LOL, then went back.
Had a great but shy time. ><
Wish to go out again next time..
But our next time must be PERFECT. <3
And I made new friends too. :D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why so unfair?

Hey, i already IMPROVE alot..
Just attituide not so good, why so UNFAIR to me?
I will try to change my bad attituide, and its already in progress.
Why just everything NO to me?
My bro, sis they all can go out la. i cannot. o0o
Am i a stranger to you?
I feel sad now. Family treat me like that.
Go out, all also must DO PROJECT only,
why don't let me have fun for just a day,
Please la, don't try to make my life SO MISERABLE.
You make me more miserable, the bad result i will get.
I wish my life will change.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sport's Day.

Today went to school already quite late.
And RAINING!! haha.
So we go for Plan B, aslo got go field there la.
Soooo damn smelly and so mannnyyyy mud.
After go field d faster run up. Don't feel like staying at field.
So me and regina go canteen and other places to walk around.
But first bought food, too bad didn't take until my food. >:(
RM7 arh!!! But other ppl buy, they say not nice at all.
So lucky me. :D
Seems like quite alot of ppl know d. .___.
Won't say it here what is it. PRIVATE. (:
Later chat and walk around with friends.
Quite fun!! So no regrets coming today.
But during tarik tali match started raining again.
Ohh, didn't mention it stopped raining and started again.
But that time it was very YENG!!
Try!! :D But not too much, later get sick.
Later went up to canteen again.
Have to stay with parents in canteen . -.-
So regina and qing lenn went up to find Eliza,
cause later they going PAV. :(
Then regina will go back QUITE late.
So wait in canteen with parents. Saw him and his friends.
They sit next to our table. hohoho.
Haha, one by one they say hi to my mom. 0.0
My mom's reaction was like who's friend are they?
My sister's or mine.? LOLOLOL
After that talk to alot of ppl, all sit next to our table one.
Later still heavy rain..
Going home that time, saw Regina with Jian wen they all.
LOL, they all, all wet wet de. Seems fun. :(
After that went home.
Had a great day!!! :DDDD

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Fuck you lots dude. o0o
Say for fun actually.
But i'm still angry today. Moody...
Don't know what is going on in my life now. fml.
Haihz.. One thing change everything follow to change.
Why in the first place you have to come here..?
Make my life miserable in CLASS.
Not other times. fml. -.-
Don't want say edi....
And I just wanna wish ME good luck in high jump tomorrow.
Wish can get full marks babeh. (:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Can't even drink water

Today as usual.
Went assembly, p.e than every subject change.
But who cares. And nowadays got alot of PROJECTS. -.-
Add oil ba. to me. (:
And today at school...
Dex and Regina and CC make me keep on spitting water out of my mouth. .___.
DISGUSTING i know. .___.
I keep on spitting until ppl's things or whatever. SRY!
Stupid lo. Keep on make me laugh.
Tomorrow make back you guys! hehe
And aooo sry qing lenn for don;t choi you after school.
I was moody bout Me spitting water.
Starting to not feel well that time.
So, forgive me baby.
And don't be so moody ya. BE HAPPY!. x)
ANDDD i got in, RUNNING!! YAY!!
I thought i won't in cause i didn' come for the final choosing.
haha, but thanks to shao he gua. :D
Ok that's all. end of story.

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Ching Ming"

Didn't went to school today..
As well as Isabel.
Both, the same reason. (:
Came back home like 2 something.
Ate chicken rice, was so hungry that time. :D
Later chatted with my sister bout our future. :O
LOL. Its nice having a good talk with her. HEHE
Later bath finish, played computer.
Bored. .____. Nothing to do..
So, want to sleep now. Buh-bye.
End of Story. (:

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I feel like everybody's avoiding me.
Why?? and what have i done..??
I feel something's wrong..
I want to know what it is.
But i can't, dunno why.. Sigh...
No mood now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


If you fall in love with two people,
pick the second person.
Because if you were really in love with the first person,
you wouldn't have fallen for the second. :)

Nice huh...?
So damn meaningful. (:
If feel bored go read these quotes.
haha, get from facebook.
Some funny, some romance.
It will make your day. :D

Saturday, March 26, 2011


My feeling few days back was NOT GOOD.
I hate being like that..
I had this feeling ALOT of times already.
They don't realize it.
Don't say i selfish or only care bout myself la..
I'm just got THAT feeling.
She/he just like take me as a replacement.
when her/his other friends is somewhere else,
she/he's like just come and find me. FTW rite? -.-
See i'm like being the number THIRD.
Haihz.. not so like school days when she/he's around.
i wish he/she will just get out of my life. oOo

Bought Books

Just now went to leisure to buy books. D:
Need to keep on study from now on.
After buying books,went to McD to eat lunch.
Actually wanted to buy bubble tea but CLOSE edi.
How to say.. Like bankrupt edi.. D:
No more bubble tea in leisure. TT
After eating finish went home.
The end of my day. :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Come back from school Early

Today is like the worse day.. -.-
First woke up then stomach pain like hell..
Then sports practice that time EYE BENGKAK!
Its just so sudden. Argh..
Wanted to stay at school but go back home rest is better. (:
And today my sis go take her SPM results.
Saw her results edi.. Not bad wor. x)
2A.. At least she tried her best right?? Like daddy said. :D
Then later went 'da bao' chicken rice..
After that go 7-eleven buy something..
Then later go market.. -.-
Mummy ask me to go buy so many things..
After that went home use computer. :D
Quite many ppl didn't go school today..
Darren and Kah Wai..
Ok the end of my post. And Get Well Soon LEEHUI!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sports Practice

Sports Practice starts today..
For senior Mon,Wed,Fri...
The sunlight is the one i'm scared of..
I'm scared to be dark.. :(
My mom ask me to join.. Must join..
So maybe lo..
Okay, talk bout today..
Today had fun in the morning..
Jeannie LOVES Ram.. True love... xD
Today Regina and Me only...
After that Sports Practice.. Marching today..
Today get exam paper.. Not so happy..
Mandarin time.. Pen pal.. I think i know who it is.
Later stomach pain..... dunno what happen...
But tahan lo.. Rest of the day its ok.
After school went back home.
Had a fun day with Gina today. (:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsunami and earthquakes.

Facebook so damn lag when the tsunami happens..
Must wait for few minutes for it too load..
But first must kelian all those ppl in Japan.
Earthquakes occurs in Japan AGAIN..
That's what i heard..
Yesterday saw the news.. So KUA ZHANG!
I meant the tsunami.. The water so fast le.
And one is after the tsunami one..
Everything being crash.. Those houses..
And they say they found 300-500 dead bodies.
That's alot of life.. Sad for them..
So we have to donate for them.. (:
That is also good.. cause your doing a good deed.
hehe.. My english improved. haha
Ok nothing to say edi.. Rmb must see the news!!

Pavillion and bro's birthday.

This post gonna be long.. its bout yesterday and today..

Yesterday went Pavillion with two ah pohs. xD
We three sampat sampat.. keep on laughing.
We went there then drink chatime.
My sis belanja.
The "zhen zhu" so much le. O:
Cannot drink finish.. too full edi.
We can don't eat dinner oso can..
Lunch at Madam Kwan's.. Nice food..
But oso very full..
There is one thing scary.. So many Malays..
Scary la them.. When we're eating..
They were like keep on looking at us... o.o
Scary dou.. then we faster walk away..
Actually Pavillion nothing to shop..
All things branded one.. We bought sticky too. x)
And ate Baskin Robbins...
Later we saw a guai lui.. leng luii!! She webcam-ing at starbucks..
Alot of ppl pass by her keep on looking at her.. LOL
Later Regina's dad and kah yan's mom came too pav to fetch us..
After that Kah yan went somewhere else with her mom..
Left me and regina and her dad..
Later went home.. at car we keep on gossiping..
Had a nice day.. (:

Today celebrate bro birthday..
Celebrate at home..
Actually want swim but too hot edi..
So i'm waiting for 5 o'clock only swim..
While waiting for that time to arrive..
Went The Mines with uncle and bro..
Ate Popeyes.. Later only buy his presents there..
I saw many clothes i like..
want to buy them but didn't bring money out..
So maybe next time lo..
After that went home.. the time like 6 something liao.
But still can swim la.. But got a lot of ppl..
Then don't feel like swimming edi..
So didn't swim.. Keep watching movie..
After dinner.. played computer..
But too lag liao.. Even everybody says so..
So waited for so long for facebook to load..
While waiting eat sticky~ x)
Later still haven load finish.. don't care liao..
Then go sleep lo.. End!~ O:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Exam finally over

Okay, exam is over..
OMGGOOODDD so damn freaking happy man. xD
I'm happy that my Science get A. x)
See prove that i got study! hehehe
But all my friends all higher than me. :'(
Nvm, gonna try harder next time.
Okay, plan during holidays is...
GO OUT GO OUT GO OUT! hahahehe
So excited.. but problem is who fetch..?
And don't know whether they free a not.. Wish luu~
I want go Pavillion,with friends.
Mostly i wan sticky, chatime and snowflakes.. kekeke
My favourite!!
So wish that my sis will bring me go there.!! **
Sorry can't go out with another group of friends next Monday.
I really want to go but not sokk with some of them. (:
This Sunday also cannot go... Bro's birthday..
Why make on the day when i am busy.
Got other plans gonna make. hehe
That's all. Bye people.

Dead Blog.

Dead blog.. OMG..
Feeling lazy to on computer and type.
But gonna start from today, gonna update everyday..
hehe.. maybe~

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's been a long time.

Wow. long time didn't update already..
Got a lot of things happen..
Not gonna say it all here..
Lazy. (:
Gonna say bout today.
Ok.. he cut his hair more ugly liao. .__.
Oh why.. no offense.. hehe
JY told me something... O.o
Weird.. thought he like her most...
Now.. hate her.. Haihz..
also la. she so xiao qi..
Nvm.. is the secret between me and him..
So no saying out.
Ok. later going P.M. muahahhaa
Bubble tea.. here i come baby.
haha.. so ciao!~

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cross Country.

Today was cross country.
Me and my sis went to school only..
other's don't want to go...
So.. went to school a bit late then the usual time.
At school... while waiting for Regina to arrive..
Went to 2joy.. chat with the boys...
Sien edi.. went outside.. Then Regina came..
Yuan Teng didn't come today.
Okay skip.... 8 something.. went to HOC.
Sat there chatting for few minutes..
First was the Jr girls to run then follow by the boys then Sr girls..
Me,Regina and Qing Lenn run + walk together..
Haha.. it was fun!!
Luckily no cross river. (:
One thing is that.. i can't believe we were quite early to reach school.
Haha.. proud!! Then sat there wait for others..
After that.. went Break..
Before that stay at class.. took of socks..
Cause my toe was injured. SAKIT!!
During Break and Lunch...
Gina so crazy about her Wai Wai....
She called him using the public telephone. LOL.
Didn't eat and study much today..
And and i say Hi to him today~ He don't care.. -.-
But he got smile. :D Actually le. i don't really like him anymore.
And later going Neighbour's house to eat dinner..
Wow. first time. (:
That's all... Ciao!~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bai Tian Kong.

Today bai tian kong until late late...
So mummy say don't want go school..
Promised Regina go school Peii her..
So going to school at last.
I have to sleep early? ._____.
I don't care, i don't want too..
Even if i'm forced to, i also cannot sleep la.
Daddy putting fire crackers. :D
Haha. And tomorrow... Cross country.
Wow. i love it.. Cause can waste time..
Don't need to study.. buahaha.
I wish is longer lo..
Don't so fast end.. If it end.. i no mood study also.
hehe.. Ok let's talk bout today...
Morning crazy.. Later........
Quite moody cause they don't talk to me..
But nvm, after that ok d.. And..
Cutie chee. haha My baby. (:
Don't worry is fake. :D
Ok that's all. Ciao! x)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentines day is coming.

Argh!! Valentines day is coming..
The romantic days for girls.
Awww.. I have no partner. haha
I wish to have one. Wish he will ask me. (:
Regina so good. Got Kah wai.
Haih. )': I don't want to celebrate alone again..
I'm so jealous of those couples.
Haha wish you guys have a great tim with your love ones.
Don't regret this chance.!! (:
Nth to say bout today. Ciao!~

Monday, February 7, 2011

5th day of chinese new year.

Dong dong qiang!! xD
5th day of chinese new year liao..
So fast la. 10 more days for chinese new year.
These holidays.. keep on gamble. haha
yesterday won RM16.. its a lot for me.
And yesterday Melvin,Dexter,Darren and Agatha came my house. (:
haha.. gambled too. Dexter win a lot.. xD
Later Agatha and Dexter went back.. left Melvin and Darren.
We play ping pong.. haha
So hot that time.. sweating like hell.
Later they went back.. Prepare for dinner..
That day we cook. cause is a special day!!
My dearest, cutest, prettiest Mummy's birthday! x)
My sisters cook steak,fish fillet,spaghetti,salad and mushroom soup.
Then my eldest sis's boyfriend cook salmon.. DELICIOUS!! (:
Later eat till full full.. Then eat cake. thats all.. hehe Good time!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fun at Jeannie's house

Today went to aunt, grandma house then jeannie's house.
Went there to visit. cause long time didn't go edi.
Ok. went there like 2-3 something.. cause jam.
Than stay at her house for like few hours..
Ate dinner there..
Then 8 something went leisure..
Her mom fetch us there with my bro and hers..
Went there, drank bubble tea. hehe
Then went oldtown yum cha.
Then then.. went popular hear song, lame, i know.
Then only go CYBER!!
OMG. first time.. Went in, create acc.. then play..
It was soooo scary cause all boys..
Then i go there play facebook and sdo, played with Sai ching and Jeannie.
Play for like 1 hour, then went back home at 11 something.
Took a bath, then online again. (:
And a retarded bitch.. today only meet..
Fuiyohhh, hard to describe her face. O:
That's all!! Ciao~

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rainy day. O:

My sister's boyfriend came to Malaysia.
Wow. so early come timm.
I woke up late.. I don't know that because it was so dark..
Woke up.. Then ate roti canai for breakfast..
Bro, sis and her bf went and buy them..
Ate finish help mommy pluck peanuts for "ham cha".
After that on9.... and on9... and on9..
So boring la. Later 1 something, help mommy cook.
After that eat eat eat.. on9 again. O:
Some more nobody on9.. TT
Now write blog..
And i realize that CNY still got so long..
But school give us early holiday.. -__-
So we can celebrate CNY for few days oni..
Nth else already.. Bye Bye!

Stupid things.

Today went jusco with mommy and sis.
Went there buy drinks for CNY.
Bought a lot of things too. O:
Later went back..
I use computer for almost the whole day.
Nothing to do at home.
Oh yeah, b4 that.. fetch sis to her friend house..
"sun lu" go see Cempaka.!!
Arghh! i want to go in see..
But cannot, i think.
I see from outside.. So big arh!! ><
Visited my old house too..
Lots of childhood memories there.
Sighh, miss those time. (:
And one thing.. I want to say bout that human.
Haihz.. why always me le?
Why always want to bully me?
-___- Make me want to slap you, dude.
Haihz.. please la. Don't fight with me..
I want to celebrate a Happy CNY..
So don't make me hate you like i hate my enemies.
Haha that word from Leon. Yeng! xD
And i saw one video.. sot one that retarded human... -__-
Abused dog.. WTF? Sam tong arh, when see that video.
Haihz.. don't treat animal like toy la. They have life too.
And and Happy Early Birthday Boom Lee Shi! x)

Friday, January 28, 2011


sorry to hurt your feelings lo.
no need keep saying bad things behind my back de mah.
i did something to you which you don't like, say it la.
I sure apologize de .
And why keep on saying me only?
You know that i treat you kinda good edi lor.
better than someone..
Some more i apologized to you when i treat you bad.
But why always keep on scold me in your blog le!?!
you've hurt my feelings you know.
I not scolding you or whatever..
i just want to tell you.

CNY celebration.

Today.. a lot of people bring phone but not me.
And Yuan Teng didn't come.
Kinda fun in the morning then bored.
One thing is good that.. didn't study for almost the whole day.
In the morning.. lesson as usual..
Then after break, go hall see awards.
Fun la that time.
Me and Gina sing Negaraku and school song loudly. xD
Everyone in front of us look back. haha
Make me laugh.
Then they keep asking why my hair so long.. o.o
I was like.. LOL why ask that.?
Then after that went back class..
wait for half an hour then go hall again..
This time is watch performance..
Almost all singing.. But the acting was funny. x)
And i was lonely there... everyone had a partner..
Neh.. this Qing lenn.. go kao zai. xDD
Then wai wai shushu and Gina romantic there. O:
I was like sitting alone.. keep looking at those performances.
After performance went back home.. Tired. O:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why do i have a friend like you.

Today went to KL there.
How i wish i can go there shop with my friends.
But cannot. Few reasons..
Too far,dangerous,traffic jam...
Ok back to topic..
Today mood pretty good..
Suddenly because of that person.. all chg..
Hate him soooo damn much.!
That fcking retarted idiotic person. ==
Why got this kind of people in earth gehh?
He such a useless people!
And why people like him?
Eye got prob?
I not say that because i like him,
is i hate him damn much!!
No mood is all because of him. ==
Aiya.! say more bout him, more gekk. ==

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cut My hair. (:

Hey,hey. long time no blog..
Cause is always the same reason.
LAZY. @@
Ok, back to topic..
I cut my hair.. Bangs.
When i tie up my hair.. i just love it.
But when let go.. my sis say not nice. -__-
So how now? Haihz.. don't care her.
And This month like got a lot people pak toh le.
Awwww~ Nice. (:
Making me jealous of them. haha
Never mind, cause now is not the right time, i guess.
Aiya! i don't know la. x)
Ok , end of post. Ciao!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sick. ):

Some of you guys are sooo caring.
Thx. Love you guys. (:
Ohh today. tak boleh tahan!!
Pain dou seii. O:
Then sweating like hell.
Ltr my dear daddy come and fetch me home.
Thx to Manik and omg. Ram.
For telling my daddy where am i.
And one Very Yeng thing!!
Teng teng tell me.
Got one guy go punch another guy le.!
Woah!!! Yeng arhh! LOL
But Fighting not good! so don't do that. (:
And Lightning is sooo damn scary! everytime scares me. O:
Ok,that's all. Ciao! x)

Mosquitoes. -__-

Argh!! too many of them. Fuck off!!
My leg is sooooo itchy because of them.
So like me for wad? My body not healthy one.
Go suck other ppl's blood la. LOL